BSIP is striving to attain excellence in R & D through a dedicated scientific team together with integrated innovative ideas in basic and applied research. It has widened its research dimensions and significantly expanded its mandate accommodating a more holistic approach with reinforced strategies and sophisticated analytical facilities to pursue palaeosciences under one roof and cater enhancing needs of the country amidst global change.
With this in view, BSIP offers a scheme to cater to students at various academic stages including BSc, MSc and research scholars pursuing their doctorate degree, who are interested in current trends in palaeosciences and allied subjects.
Research at BSIP involves evolutionary aspects, morphology and taxonomy, high resolution biostratigraphy, palaeobiogeography, palaeoclimate, palaeoecology & palaeoenvironment; polar research; glaciology; industrial micropalaeontology; amber analysis and palaeoentomology; vertebrate & invertebrate palaeontology; archaeobotany and ancient DNA studies; dendrochronology; sedimentology; oceanography; radiocarbon geochronology, TL/OSL dating; elemental, inorganic & stable isotope geochemistry; organic geochemistry & coal petrology and palaeomagnetism to study the evolution of the earth, ocean, and life forms through geological time using interdisciplinary biotic and abiotic approaches.
BSIP offers training in the following fields
Palaeobotany and Palynology- We have a large number of experts in palaeobotany and palynology who work on megafossils and palynomorphs from different geological ages from the view point of their evolutionary aspects, morphology and taxonomy, high resolution biostratigraphy, palaeobiogeography, palaeoclimate, palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment. They also deal with diversification of Precambrian life; diversity, distribution, origin, evolution of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic flora in a phylogenetic framework; intra- and inter-basinal and global correlation during Gondwanan and Cenozoic time-slices; understanding the link(s) between climate change and vegetation during the Quaternary Period. They offer training on laboratory techniques like maceration to separate these entities from their associated rock matrix; their identification and interpretation.
Industrial Micropalaeontology- It is fully dedicated to the analysis of palynological and palaeontological proxies for application in hydrocarbon exploration. Major functions of this facility include precise age determination through biostratigraphy and preparation of 2D depositional palaeoenvironmental models based on the analysis of foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, dinoflagellate cysts and spore-pollen. Calculation of Palynological Marine Index (PMI) for deciphering sea level changes, identification of marine flooding surfaces, and the demarcation of palaeoshorelines and preparation of ecological charts are some of the other deliverables from the study of palynological proxies. Study of benthic and planktic foraminifera are an integral component of the laboratory work that has high potential in the reconstruction of shallow-marine to deeper palaeoenvironments and deducing valuable palaeobathymetric data.
Amber Analysis and Palaeoentomology- Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, is the only organization in India to carryout research in this field of science thus including India among the few countries in the world where studies on amber and its preserved biota are being pursued. It has attracted national and international palaeontologists, geologists and entomologists. The amber department at BSIP provides training on sample preparation for extraction of fossil insects and associated biota embedded in amber from the Cenozoic basins of western India preferably the lignite mines of Kutch and Cambay basins of Gujarat, and their significance on coevolution, biodiversity and dispersal routes of fauna and flora.
Vertebrate Palaeontology- It deals with the exploration and recovery techniques of mega and microfossil vertebrates, associated microfauna, and ichnofossils and coprolites of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequences of western India to study their origin, evolution, diversity, palaeobigeography and palaeoenvironment. It also provides training on various equipment utilized for preparation of vertebrate fossils, photo documentation and their morphometric aspects.
Invertebrate Palaeontology (Precambrian -To- early Palaeozoic)- Provides insights into Earth's biosphere in term of biodiversity, and ecological interactions through a diverse range of fossils, including trace fossils (Ichnology), body fossils (trilobites, gastropods, crustaceans, brachiopods etc.) and other small shelly faunas (SSFs) and palynomorphs such as acritarchs, Organic walled microfossils (OWM) and cryptospores. This field explore fundamental questions about life's origins and abrupt diversification, while developing skills in scientific inquiry and interdisciplinary research. It contributes valuable insights to disciplines like Palaeontology, Evolutionary Biology, Geology, Palaeoecology, Palaeobiogeography and Methodological approaches including laboratory analysis (e.g., microscopy and microphotography, geochemical analysis, maceration techniques etc.) and data processing, and interpretation. Students learn to integrate knowledge from various fields by studying invertebrate palaeontology, fostering multidisciplinary research and collaboration.
Archaeobotany and Ancient DNA Studies- It deals with origin and antiquity of ancient civilizations, human history and subsequent interventions. Ancient DNA studies and Human- Environment interaction provides a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of the past, unravel human history, and shed light on the intricate relationships between humans and their environments. Experts at BSIP conduct DNA sequencing and analysis to obtain genetic information from ancient human and non-human samples, enabling the study of population dynamics, migrations, disease evolution, and genetic adaptation in the past. They also deal with- Palaeogenomics to explore the genetic diversity, population structure, and evolutionary history of ancient human populations, including the study of ancient human migrations, admixture events, and genetic interactions with other hominid species; human-environment interaction; paleopathology and disease to investigate ancient pathogen genomes and the prevalence and evolution of infectious diseases in the past, and explore the genetic basis of ancient human diseases and their interactions with environmental factors.
Dendrochronology- Dendrochronology is the science that deals with the dating and studying annual growth layers in wood. It is the most accurate dating technique that the scientific fraternity uses nowadays. It provides annual and seasonal resolutions to date the past records. The Dendrochronology Laboratory at BSIP is well-equipped and offers training on techniques and applications of dendrochronology, which involves processing, cross-dating, measurement, and development of tree-ring chronologies to establish tree-growth-climate- relationship, climatic reconstructions, and their interpretations.
Sedimentology- Sedimentology is a vibrant discipline that explores the complex interplay of geological processes that have shaped our planet both in the past as well as in the present. It is at the forefront of Earth Sciences, offering a unique window into the past. By studying sediments and sedimentary rocks, we can reconstruct ancient environments, decipher past climates, and understand the evolution of landscapes. Sedimentology offers a wealth of opportunities for research in terms of exploring ancient ecosystems, studying the effects of climate change through time, and discovering new building blocks and energy resources. The sedimentologists at BSIP offer training in fieldwork and laboratory analysis for process based physical sedimentology, facies identification and interpretation, thin section petrography, sequence stratigraphy, sediment geochemistry, clay mineralogy, to understand the nuances of sedimentary environments, including terrestrial, marine, and transitional settings and their corresponding influence on the characteristics of sediments and sedimentary rocks; basin analysis and paleogeographic reconstruction and also to explore natural resources such as oil, gas, and groundwater.
Oceanography-The Ocean and Polar Palaeoclimate faculties of BSIP carry out research on the Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctic regimes. Deep sea hydrodynamics, sediment movement, climate-water mass interactions, and biological productivity utilizing foraminifera, diatoms, dinoflagellates, etc. are studied at the facilities. Geochemical studies are utilized to understand past productivity, provenance, and oxygenation from polar and oceanic regimes. BSIP has modern geochemical, micropalaeontological, and sedimentological facilities to carry out these studies.
Geochemistry- The scientists in the geochemistry division have diverse expertise in inorganic, organic and isotopic (stable and radiogenic isotope) tools to study the evolutionary trajectory of the earth, ocean and life, and various geological factors governing the earth's surface environment. The Institute hosts many state-of-the-art sophisticated analytical facilities to measure the geochemical and isotopic datasets such as ICP-OES, XRD, XRF, GC-MS, IR-MS, ICP-MS, Particle Size Analyzer, Nutrient Analyzer, Biomolecule and Clumped Isotope Laboratory, and TL/OSL, clumped isotope facilities.
Advanced Coal Petro-Geochemical Laboratory- is well established at BSIP for characterizing coal for its origin, composition and properties of the inorganic and organic components for industrial utilization as well as to understand the palaeodepositonal environments. Recent updates include addition of equipment including FTIR spectrometer, Bomb calorimeter, Thermogravimetric analyser and Elemental analyser.
Radiocarbon Dating/Organic Geochemistry Laboratory- Consists of Elemental Analyzer connected to both, isotope ratio mass spectrometer, Age-3 system, Sr-Nd Column chemistry, Multicube (CT-48) digestion unit for trace metal digestion in sediments, organic lipid extraction, pre concentration and analysis. The experts of this division provide training on radiocarbon dating and extraction of organic lipid biomarkers from the oceanic/lake sediment cores which provide valuable insights on terrestrial vegetation changes such as dominance of C3 or C4, palaeofire activity, other bacterial degradation of organic matter.
Luminescence Dating Laboratory (LumDL)- Geological and archaeological materials that belong to the Quaternary Period (Anthropocene, Holocene and Pleistocene) of Earth history can be dated accurately by luminescence dating method. Widely used materials to date are coarse grains of quartz and K-feldspar, and polymineral fine grains. We are also establishing biogenic materials such as diatom frustules and feldspar inclusions with quartz grains. This method exploit the trapped electrons that results by the ionizing nuclear radiations with the insulating crystals. We welcome passion and curiosity driven students who are interested in inter-disciplinary approach, Physicists included, to develop new methods to date accurately and precisely, and increase the dynamic age range of luminescence dating method.
Palaeomagnetism- Palaeomagnetism is the study of the record of the Earth's ancient magnetic field preserved in rocks, sediments and archaeological materials. It is based on the principle that certain magnetic minerals within these materials record the direction and strength of the Earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation. By analysing these preserved records, scientists can reconstruct the movements of tectonic plates, study the Earth's magnetic field reversal events, and gain insights into past climates. Environmental magnetism is an important application of rock magnetism to understand the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment on Earth. The palaeomagnetism laboratory at BSIP has grown to a national facility and at present hosts a range of advanced instruments and offers training on, JR-6 Spinner Magnetometer, D2000T Alternating Field Demagnetizer, TD-48 Thermal Specimen Demagnetizer, MFK2-FA Kappabridge, IM-10-30 Impulse Magnetizer and the Bartington Susceptibility Sensors (MS2C/2D/2E/2F) for both laboratory and field survey purposes.
The training program is open for students pursuing their graduation, postgraduation and bonafide research (Ph.D.) scholars preferably from any government-supported academic institutions/universities across the country.
Maximum one month only during any time of the year. A maximum of two trainees will be assigned to a mentor from BSIP every year. However, the Director BSIP has the authority not to select any student or to increase or decrease the number of trainees depending on the merit of his/her application.
Before submitting the application for the training program, the candidate will need to discuss the exact timing and duration of training in consultation with his/her mentor. The submitted application shoud include the following documents: CV with recent passport size photograph, a transcript of academic record, a letter of support from the competent authority of the Institute/University. The application along with the above documents should be emailed to the Director, BSIP (e-mail: The e-mail should have the subject as candidate’s name followed by the word training (e.g. Rajiv Singh training). The applications will be put up for consideration of a committee designated by the Director. Upon approval by the Director, BSIP, confirmation regarding the training program will be communicated to the selected candidates by the Institute.
Applications can be submitted with the required documents throughout the year; there is no deadline. Documents submitted by the selected candidates will be verified with the originals at the time of his/her reporting for the internship program.
A fee of Rs. 2,000/- will be charged per research scholar for the training. However, Director, BSIP can waive fully or partially the cost of training based on merit or need.
Interns are expected to make their own arrangement for stay and transportation during their training period. Accommodation in the Institute’s Guest House, if available, may be provided to interns for a very limited period. Services of the subsidized canteen will be available to the trainees during the office hours on working days. Institute has no Medical Insurance Policy for interns. Interns or their sponsoring institutions are expected to make their own arrangement for medical treatment of the sponsored student during their traning period. BSIP is not responsible for any injury caused or inflicted during the training.
Interns must follow the rules and regulations of the Institute and those prescribed by their mentors. Any indiscipline on part of the intern will be treated sternly and may lead to termination of the internship. Any loss or damage caused to the Institute’s property by an Intern will be compensated by him/her.
All trainees are expected to submit a report on completion of their training, which should include the summary of the project undertaken, key outcome from the training, methodology learnt and any additional activities including participation in seminars and visits to local institutes, if any. BSIP shall retain the rights for all the materials, analyses and data generated during the training period and no data can be published without prior permission from BSIP. On receipt of the project report, the candidates will be issued a certificate by the Mentor of the candidate, countersigned by the Director. Results obtained during the Internship may be published jointly by the concerned mentor and the candidate.