Journal of Palaeosciences
The Journal of Palaeosciences (previously published as The
Palaeobotanist) is an International journal that has been disseminating
knowledge and has served the palaeobotanists world over for over 60 years
with diversified and enhanced quality of contents. It is an in-house journal
of Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow, India and since its
inception in the year 1952 many thematic issues, proceeding volumes and
important contributions were published. Over the past two decades the
advancement on the techniques used in Palaeosciences, proxies, softwares for
climate and fossil studies have immensely increased and hence the journal
was renamed to Journal of Palaeosciences (2021).
The journal is open to research papers on palaeoenvironmental,
palaeoecological, palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic themes, distributed
over each of the entire geological time scales right from the pre-Cambrian
to the Quaternary (i.e. recent). The contemporary environmental concerns and
issues assea level rise, flooding, extreme weather patterns, heat waves and
drought along with changes in biodiversity, ecosystem and ecosystem services
fall within the scope of the journal.
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